EmCommPublic Service EventsSpring Splash

Ham Radio and the Splash 7

I am under 2-3 feet of snow from the last snow here in the Berkshires. I will be snow-blowing for the 3rd day in a row. But does it look pretty! When we were hoping to be done with the Mud-Season (yes, we have 5 seasons here), we finally got winter!

This snow will give the Scantic River a boost! We have had to cancel or propane the race a handful of times due to extreme conditions. We have race insurance for Class 2 rapids. This river can easily become a Class 3 river with these conditions which puts the event a jeopardy.

8 trees have come down into and across the river after the last storm. This Sunday our race committee members will be out there by foot and boat (read canoe) clearing the river. Actually, this river would not be usable if it wasn’t for the Race Committee and Scantic River Watershed Association. Many are members of both.

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