Icom IC-7000
About 2007 I went shopping for the “Swiss Army Knife” of a radio. The guys a the radio shop (fortunately I live closed enough that i can touch and feel radios) pulled out an Icom IC-7000. The highest tech little wonder. Small, powerful, nice looking, lots of filtering – it really has it all. This is still my HF-rig. It has since also been used mobile during 3 roundtrips to SD (1600 miles each direction). It is powered by a Astron SS-30M power supply and a LDG AT-7000 is used as the tuner.
I have used it during public service events on 6m SSB. Last summer I had a 20m and 40m ham stick on my Ford Expedition on the SD trips. We looked kind of silly with such a tall antenna going down the interstate. However it worked well.
Although these pictures are from the internet (and not my boring installation), it shows the flexibility of the radio.
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