Project AllStarLink
This is a project where I use AllStarLink (ASL) to bridge numerous technologies and location into one network. The need is to link multiple locations back to Enfield, CT and access to K1ENF repeater (hometown repeater). This can, of course, be done entirely using analog AllStarLink or also by transcoding the analog FM into DMR.
The center of the system is a cloud based AllStarLink node which allows incoming connections. Sub functions of this node also transcode into DMR and connects with Brandmeister.
In Enfield an IBM Thinkcentre computer running a linux ASL package translates the digital ASL data into analog and connects to the analog repeater with a Motorola CDM1250 mobile radio. The same computer/radio kit is also at the other node locations.
The overall system works well, however, is dependent on the K1ENF repeater to drop its carrier to enter receive mode. Thus, users must wait 2-3 seconds between EOT and keying. The Brandmeister TG has been changed to 312535. You can therefore access the Enfield, CT repeater from BM TG 312535. Leave space between transmissions.
A secondary server system is also used for wide area public service events when numerous local areas are tied together in a analog simplex Hot Spot system.