Project Events, &– That’s Right Here!
What is Event Communications?
“Information shared between two or more locations.”
Sounds simple and it it can be. As technology has evolved we have seen competition from newer technologies. The question to be asked is how efficient is the “new” technology compared to what we can combine with “our stuff”?
We can all understand that a cellphone can easily connect two people and transfer information. Most events have more than two people needing the same information. It is kind of like only being able to send an email to one person at the time, not to a group and allow the group to reply-all. It is all about efficiency. Or maybe like this, is it a team of individuals or a synchronized team of many?
Event communications should not be limited to one kind of technology, but to have all types of communication in the toolbox. The key, however, is for the comm-director of the event to simplify the layers of communication tools while maximizing the effect of the communicated information. Still today, most every police department is dispatching on a common channel so that many assets can receive at the same time. The supervisors can effectively formulate plans based on the information flowing by simply monitoring, then guide.
This is what Event Communication is all about;
- Fixed Location Communication – two or more locations needing a steady stream of dedicated information.
- Random Communications – all the random information which flows in any event.
- Event Coordination – communication to synchronize the flow of the event.
- One Person Communicate to Many Listeners. Kind of like an email with many CC’ed.
The mode of communications should be tailored to the need. Why overload one common channel when there are unlimited possibilities available? A well designed system will separate the above to free everyone’s attention to their main task, not be distracted or frustrated by a lot of non-pertinent information. Combining technologies (voice, data etc) provides for more bandwidth, and thus us reducing potential overload or confusion.
The “modern ham” uses all technologies for communication, not one!
I do numerous events every year where we organize the communications. However, I do not stop at ham-radio, but utilize all communication tools available including;
- Amateur / Ham Radio
- Licensed Commercial Radio (great tool!)
- Cell PTT Communications (great tool, but requires practice)
- Event Specific cross platform texting (great for logging, painful for timeliness)
This is “the Comm Guy” who needs to understand the event, the needs of the event organizer and then can design the comm infrastructure accordingly. He is usually the liaison between the communications or logistics groups and the race management. Commonly, he also becomes a part of the Event Committee. He is also the “tool chest” when it comes to offering available technology or methods for coordination.
Key question – who does the COMM SYSTEM represent?
- Race Coordination?
- EMS?
- Police?
The result will shape the need.
Commonly ham operators look at the Net Controller as the CONTROLLING COMMUNICATOR.
I look at it differently – the Net Controller (sometimes we call him the Dispatcher) is the trouble solver for the small stuff and the liaison to Comm Coordinator or Event Management for the bigger things. I believe in semi-formal nets how we can get the job done!
This is all to make your day easier and event better!
On this website there are a few events I am Comm Coordinator for, however, I participate in many more. Many times it is relaxing to simply take part.