EmCommPublic Service Events

Volunteered for Special Olympics Fundraiser

Check out DreamRide.org

This is a super event in Farmington, CT fundraising for Special Olympics. This was the 18th year. I worked it as a CERT member helping with traffic control.

This is one of the best organized events I have ever participated in. The cause is also awesome –
the Special Olympics.
I was initially snagged by a event lead supervisor to hand out kick-stand plates so motorcycles would not tip on the lawn. Doesn’t sound like much, but thousands of bikes came streaming in through the shoot (goal – don’t let them stop due to traffic chaos behind). It was almost intimidating at times. Most all bikers were so polite, appreciative and nice. Lot’s of “Thank You’s” and waiving. Festive! The riders experience level varied and my colleague almost got nailed by a bike unintentionally spinning out on the wet grass (again, don’t let them stop). Agility was the key word of the day as he jumped out of the way.
My second assignment was crosswalk duty at the Country Club 1/2 mile from the event. The town had agreed to stop the bike parade/ride for crossing golfers. Have you ever tried to stop a multi thousand motorcycle parade? It is like a herd of buffalo coming at you. This time the people who had been so polite a couple of hours earlier changed their “thank you’s” to a more colorful language.
All in all, and probably a few pounds lighter from the heat (90’s) and constant running, it was a great cause, beautiful event and super well organized.
A fun Sunday Morning for a good cause!

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