SD Trip June 2018 – 4


I figured this time I will have this mastered!

I went to RFinder.net (i am a paying subscriber) and put in my route, selected 2m and 70cm FM within 25 miles of the route. First of all, RFinder could not process the total 1600 mile trip in one pass, so I chunked in to day 1 and day 2.

I think I ended up with about 600 repeaters in the order of my trip. I downloaded all this into my FT8900 and started at the beginning of the memory locations (trip).

In two days of travel I think I was able to key up less than half a dozen repeaters after searching up and down for hours. I had one repeater contact in upstate NY and that was it. On the way back I simply monitored 146.52 and APRS Alert. I had one simplex contact as well. Frustrating!

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