AllStarLink for Wide Area Public Service Event

Are you the organizer of a Wide Area event? Maybe the local repeater does not cover the entire area or you need a 2nd talk channel?

To me, it seems like ASL (All Star Link) is a great option. N1ATPASL Go-Box sports 4 high power go-kit nodes. These are all based on rugged 50w Motorola biz level CDM-1250 radios with a Linux based Thinkcentre mini computer. One kit (pictured) is based on a Raspi and thus can run on 12v dc. The other kits sport 115vac to 12v power supplies. (The radio is intentionally mounted up-side down.)

By connecting to a common node, the kit becomes a clustered simplex repeater system based on a basic analog FM radio. By planning frequency and power levels, the same frequency can be re-used on several nodes. This simplifies the volunteer experience – provide a frequency and a PL tone and any analog radio will work. These nodes are programmed for Narrow Band to minimize rf pollution.


The N1ATP central node is cloud-based to eliminate IP address and firewall issues. This cloud-node also translates Analog <> DMR and is connected to Brandmeister DMR network which then provides access for personal low power hotspots to further expand the network.


Thinking outside the box – why not use numerous low power hotspots on DMR on the same talk group? Hotspots are plentiful and it allows most digital modes to be interconnected (sorry D-Star users, you are on your own).